Research Trainee & PhD Candidate
Supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC), Shun is a joint PhD student from Southern Medical University China, where he received his MD and finished his three-year residency training. Under the mentorship of Drs. Tie and Golby, he is focused on surgical brain mapping and neurocognitive impairments in neurological diseases at the Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School.
Select Publications
- Yao S, Song J, Gao JF, et al. Cognitive function and serum hormone levels are associated with gray matter volume decline in female patients with prolactinomas. Front. Neurol.2018, 8:742
- Yao S, Song J, Li S, et al. Helsinki computed tomography scoring system can independently predict long-term outcome in traumatic brain injury. World Neurosurgery. 2017, 101: 528-533.
- Song J, Yao S, Yang M, Xu GZ. Community and family intervention in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness. Science (Supplement), 2017, 358(6370):28-30.
- Song J, Liu M, Yao S, et al. Classification of Emotional Expressions is Affected by Inversion: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 2017, 11.21.
- Yao S, Song J, Gao LC, et al. Thalamocortical Sensorimotor Circuit Damage Associated with Disorders of Consciousness for Diffuse Axonal Injury Patients. J. Neurol Sci. 2015, 356(1-2): 168-174.