Supporting the Image Guided Neurosurgery Laboratory
A message from Alexandra Golby, MD, Principal Investigator
Dear Visitor,
The Image Guided Neurosurgery Laboratory is one of the world’s leaders in applying academic research in functional brain mapping and image guided surgery to the challenges of surgical treatment of patients with brain conditions. Are you interested in enabling new breakthroughs in neurosurgery using advanced imaging techniques? If so, please consider becoming a part of our team by making a charitable, tax-deductible gift to support our ongoing research and development programs. Please explore our web site to learn more about the areas we are investigating.
Surgery in the brain remains one of the most complex and challenging areas in medicine, but also an opportunity to have lasting impact on the quality of life for our patients. The Golby Lab assembles an interdisciplinary team of clinicians, medical researchers, computer scientists, applied mathematicians, and software engineers to bring the power of imaging and image-guidance to meet the great challenges of neurosurgery.
The need for private funding
The majority of the Golby Lab’s work is funded through grants from the federal government. While this government sponsorship is critically important, particularly for ongoing research and clinical studies, it is poorly suited for initiating new projects and encouraging the evaluation of early ideas, exactly the kind of potential breakthrough research that makes our work unique. The cumbersome nature of the federal grant application and review process further delays some of the newest and most innovative early developments. Further, Federal Granting agencies, unfortunately, are reticent to invest in the engineering efforts which are necessary to bring discoveries from the lab into the OR.
How you can help
If you share our vision of translational research to improve neurosurgery and make a direct impact on patients, we encourage you to work with us to make it a reality.
Donations can be made to support the Golby Lab at Brigham and Women’s Hospital online at www.bwhgiving.org or checks can be made payable to Brigham and Women’s Hospital with “Golby Lab” in the memo line and sent to:
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Development Office
116 Huntington Ave., 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02116
If we can answer any questions or provide additional information, please contact us directly at https://giving.brighamandwomens.org/give1.
Thank you for your interest and your support.
Alexandra Golby, MD
Director and Principal Investigator of the Golby Lab